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missing meetings because notifications aren't enough?

you need alarms!

Calendar alarms
you can't miss

Build your own Filters

- Event Title: by keywords in the event title

- Event Notes: by keywords in the event notes/description

- My Status: by your RSVP response

- Attendance: by how many participants have responded

- Invited By: by the person who invited you

- Participant: by keywords in participant names and statuses

- Has Video-Calls: by events with video call information

- Is One-on-one: by events of just you and another participant

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Boss in the meeting!

Use the Participant rule to include events when someone relevant, like a colleague or a boss, has accepted an invitation

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Don't Miss Out

Pair My Status and Attendance rules to create a filter that helps you catch events you may have forgotten where most people are attending

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Declined 1-1s

Combine the One-on-one, Video Call and Attendance rules to skip events when the other participant has declined

What's Next

Stay on top of your planned events at all times with Widgets

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Timer Bar

Know how much time you have available until your next event with Live Activities

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Directly on the Lock Screen

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Great to keep at your desk while on iOS StandBy

Stay Up To Date

Get notified throughout the day when events change to get your alarms updated

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